Sergey Lysenko

 Institut Élie Cartan Nancy (Mathématiques)
 Université de Lorraine
 B.P. 239,
 F-54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy Cedex,

     Courrier électronique: Sergey.Lysenko [at]
     Bureau: Institut Élie Cartan Nancy, bureau 311
     Téléphone: +33 (0) 3 72 74 54 26
     Fax: (Laboratoire) +33 (0)3 83 68 45 04

Thèmes de recherche :  programme de Langlands géométrique, aspects géométriques de la théorie des représentations 

Mon CV  (en français dernière modification 16 Oct. 2024)

ANR Variétés de caractères et généralisations (VARGEN) 2013-2018

Séminaire sur Langlands géométrique Nancy - Paris, automne 2010


1.  Note on factorization categories, arXiv:2404.11561

Semi-infinite parabolic IC-sheaf, arXiv:2310.0638

3.  Fourier coefficients and a filtration on Shv(Bun_G), Advances of Mathematics 431 (2023), 109250, arXiv:2208.13500,

4.  Towards canonical representations of finite Heisenberg groups, Bull. Soc. Math. France, 150 (3), (2022), 569-577, arXiv:2104.14890, Towards canonical representations of finite Heisenberg groups

Geometric theta-lifting for unitary groups, preprint

(avec D. Gaitsgory) Metaplectic Whittaker category and quantum groups : the "small" FLE, arXiv:1903.02279

Linear periods of the automorphic sheaves for GL_{2n}, IMRN, Vol. 2022, Issue 17 (2022), 12984–13053,

On the automorphic sheaves for GSp_4, arXiv:1901.04447

(avec D. Gaitsgory) Parameters and duality for the metaplectic geometric Langlands theory, Selecta Math., (2018) Vol. 24, Issue 1, 227-301,  arXiv:1608.00284, the latest version with some mistakes corrected is here

10.  Twisted Whittaker models for metaplectic groups, GAFA 2017, vol. 27, Issue 2, 289-372, arXiv:1509.02433 with erratum added

Twisted geometric Satake equivalence: reductive case, arXiv:1411.6782

Geometric Eisenstein series: twisted setting,  arXiv:1409.4071J. Eur. Math. Soc. 19, 3179–3252 (copyright by the European Mathematical Society)

Twisted geometric Langlands correspondence for a torus,  IMRN, 18, (2015),  8680-8723

Geometric Waldspurger periods II, Repres. theory, Vol. 24, 235–291 (2020), (preprint version arXiv:1308.6531)

Geometric Whittaker models and Eisenstein series for Mp_2,  arXiv:1211.1596

(avec V. Lafforgue)  Geometrizing the minimal representations of even orthogonal groups,  Represent. Theory 17 (2013), 263-325 (preprint version arXiv:1101.1408), Erratum
 (avec  A. Genestier) Geometric Weil representation in characteristic two,  J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, vol. 11/ Issue 02 (2012),  p. 221-271 (preprint version  arXiv:0906.0698)

(avec V. Lafforgue)  Compatibility of the Theta correspondence with the Whittaker functors,  Bull. Soc. math. France, 139 (1), 2011, p. 75-88 (preprint version  arXiv:0902.0051 )

19. (avec M. Finkelberg) Twisted geometric Satake equivalence, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, 9 (2010), no. 4, p. 719–739  (preprint version  arXiv:0809.3738
Geometric theta-lifting for the dual pair GSp_{2n}, GO_{2m}, arXiv:0802.0457

Geometric theta-lifting for the dual pair SO_{2m}, Sp_{2n}, Annales ENS, 4e serie, t. 44 (2011), p. 427-493, erratum is math.RT/0701170)  

(avec V. Lafforgue)  Geometric Weil representation: local field case, Compos. Math. 145 (2009), no. 1, 56--88 (prerint version arXiv:0705.4213 )
23.  Geometric Waldspurger periods, Compos. Math. 144 (2008), no. 2, p. 377--438 (preprint version math.AG/0510110)

24.  Geometric Bessel models for GSp_4 and multiplicity one,  Int. Math. Res. Not.  2005,  no. 43, 2657--2694  (preprint version math.AG/0412150)

25.  Moduli of metaplectic bundles on curves and Theta-sheaves, Ann. Scient. Ecole Norm. Sup., 4 série, t. 39 (2006), p. 415-466 (preprint version math.AG/0405021)

26.  Whittaker and Bessel functors for GSp_4, Ann. Institut Fourier, t.56, No 5 (2006), 1505-1565 (preprint version math.AG/0310361)

27.  On automorphic sheaves on Bun_G, math.RT/0211067

28.  Global geometrised Rankin-Selberg method for GL(n), math.AG/0108208

29.  Local geometrised Rankin-Selberg method for GL(n), Duke Math. J.  111  (2002),  no. 3, 451--493
(preprint version math.AG/9905033)

30.  Local geometrized Rankin-Selberg method for GL(n) and its  application,  C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math.  329  (1999),  no. 12, 1065--1070

31.  On the moduli of SL(2)-bundles with connections on P^1-{x_1, ... , x_4}.  Internat. Math. Res. Notices  1997,  no. 19, 983--999  (with D. Arinkin)

32.  Invertible sheaves on the moduli variety of SL(2)-bundles with  a connection on P^1. (Russian) Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki  1997,  no. 6, 7--11 (with D. Arinkin)

33.  Isomorphisms between moduli spaces of SL(2)-bundles with  connections on P^1-{x_1,..., x_4}.  Math. Res. Lett.  4  (1997),  no. 2-3, 181--190  (with D. Arinkin)

34.  On the functional equation f(p,(z))=g(q(z)), where f and g are meromorphic functions, and p and q are "generalized" polynomials. (Russian) Dopov. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr. Mat. Prirodozn. Tekh. Nauki  1997,  no. 7, 31--34.

35.  On the functional equation f(p(z))=g(q(z)), where p,q are "generalized" polynomials and f,g are meromorphic functions. (Russian)  Izv. Ross. Akad. Nauk Ser. Mat.  60  (1996), no. 5, 89--110;  english translation in Izv. Math.  60  (1996),  no. 5, 963--984  (preprint version math.DS/9606217)

36.  On the functional equation f(p(z))=g(q(z)), where f and g are meromorphic functions, and p and q are polynomials. (Russian) Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom.  2  (1995),  no. 1, 68--86

Personal Notes

Notes et présentations diverses:

Towards a geometrization of the minimal automorphic representation for SO_{2n}
(exposé au seminaire Langlands geometrique, Chicago, 25 Oct 2010)


Ma thèse de doctorat (1999)   `Orthogonality relations between automorphic sheaves attached to 2-dimensional irreducible local systems on a curve'

Habilitation à diriger les recherches  'Certains aspects du programme de Langlands géométrique'

soutenu le 14 juin 2006 à l'Université Paris 6 devant le jury composé de

   Gerard Laumon (président)
   Edward Frenkel (Rapporteur)
   Yves Laszlo
   Ivan Mircovic (Rapporteur)
   Bao-Chau Ngo (Rapporteur)
   Patrick Polo
   Christophe Sorger
   Jean-Loup Waldspurger

éxposé devant le jury d'habilitation (présentation un peu différente de la version publiée)

copie sur l'archive des thèses en lignes

Etudiants en thèse:

Banafsheh Farang Hariri (thèse soutenu en 2012, McF à l'Université Paris-Sud Orsay)

Lizao Ye (1.09.2015 - 27.09.2019,  thèse soutenue le 27 Sept 2019, postdoc HSE Moscow 2019-2021) postdoc at Morningside Center of Mathematics (Beijing, China) 2021 - August 2024; postdoc at Aalto university, Finland Sept 2024 - August 2026)

uotao Yang (1.09.2016 - 17.06.2020, thèse soutenue le 17 Juin 2020, postdoc at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, Moscow Sept. 2020 - June 2024. Since June 2024 a tenue-track position at Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science)

last modified: Oct. 16, 2024